Confinet: a replacement or supplement to traditional email systems?

Average cost of malware attack spend and the top cost to companies: $2.4 million
— 2017 Cost of Cyber Crime Study

Email: the weapon of choice for most cyber-attacks

According to Trend Micro, 91% of cyber-attacks begin with a “spear phishing” email. If true, then email is the weapon of choice used by cyber-criminals to infiltrate organizations to steal confidential information, intellectual property, and customer data.

When your organization becomes the victim of a cyber-attack, it will in all probability be the result of an attack that was launched against you with malware-laden email, disguised as legitimate email.

Clearly, you could reduce your chances of falling victim to a cyber-attack by using an alternative to email. By now, this observation should be obvious to everyone.

Email: the great productivity killer

According to a McKinsey report, employees spend most of their workweek as follows:

  • 28% reading and answering emails
  • 19% searching and gathering information
  • 14% communicating and collaborating internally

That is a total of 62% of their workweek engaged in these activities. But how much of that 62% involves work that brings real value that actually contributes to the bottom line?

Given that more than half of all email is spam, how much time do the members of your organization waste just trying to figure out which of the hundreds of emails they receive each day are legitimate?

Finally, research suggests that the constant disruptions caused by email can reduce our effective IQ by as much as 10 points. And, it can take 20 minutes to regain our focus after each disruption.

Clearly, you could increase the productivity of the members of your organization by using an alternative to email, and that increased productivity could translate into increased sales and profits.

How can Confinet help?

Confinet provides you with a private network that you can extend to your employees, customers, partners, distributors, consultants, attorneys, and anyone else you do business with.

Since this private network only consist of authorized users, using Confinet can help you reduce spam and messages from unknown and untrusted sources.

In addition to increasing the productivity of the members of your organization, using Confinet could reduce their exposure to the many forms of cyber attacks that rely on the use of email.


2017 Cost of Cyber Crime Study


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